Thursday, December 26, 2013

Health:Dark Circles

Dark Circles - Remedies And Guidelines

1. Dark Circles can be removed by applying peeled and grated potato overnight at least three times a week.

2. Make cotton pads and dip them in cucumber juice. Place on your eyes for 15 minutes. The effect is cooling and relaxes your eyes.

3. Massaging eyes with almond oil is of great help. Massage at bed time daily, and in two weeks you will see the difference.

4. When stressed, keep your eyes covered with cucumber slices for some time.

5. Dip cotton balls in rose water and keep over the closed eyes for 5-10 minutes.

6. Drink plenty of water in a day.

7. Dip cotton balls in chilled water and keep for 5-10 minutes on the eyes.

8. Take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and avoid reading late at night, lying down.

9. Every morning, after washing your face, gently apply mixture of equal parts of tomato and lime juice; wash after half an hour.

10. Alternate hot and cold compresses under your eyes for 10 minutes. Then apply a teaspoon of almond oil mixed with half teaspoon of lime juice on the dark surface every night before going to bed.

11. For cooling effect to eyes paste of the herb nutmeg (Jaiphala) made with milk may be applied all around the eyes and over the eyelids.

12. Pressing the mount below index finger of the palm is good for eyesight and removing dark circles.

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